The Search Module is implemented with the plg_jbackend_search plugin. It provides functions related to Joomla search module. Here is the list of supported methods.
action=get module=search resource=site searchword=<term> searchphrase=<all> (optional) limitstart=<offset> (optional) limit=<limit> (optional) ordering=<orderby> (optional) areas[]=<area> (optional)
{ "status": "ok", "total": <T>, "limit": <L>, "offset": <O>, "pages_current": <C>, "pages_total": <P>, "results": [ { "title": "<title>", "metadesc": "<metadesc>", "metakey": "<metakey>", "created": "<date created>", "language": "<language>", "catid": "<cid>", "text": "<text>", "section": "<section>", "slug": "<id:slug>", "catslug": "<id:slug>", "browsernav": "<browsernav>", "href": "<href>", "jcfields": "<jcfields>" }, ... ] }
any, exact, all (default)
newest (default), oldest, popular, alpha, category
an array of search areas (e.g. content)
Created date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Language can be "*" if any.